Monday 26 March 2018

Who is Electro Technical Officer Onboard

FUTURE of Electro Technical Officer on Ship

An electro technical officer is one of the important people on a vessel,

The Electro Technical Officer (ETO) is a licensed member of the engine department, as per Section A-III/6 of the STCW Code.

Sunday 18 March 2018

What is Bridge Navigational Watch & Alarm System (BNWAS)?

What is Bridge Navigational Watch & Alarm System (BNWAS)?

Bridge Navigational Watch & Alarm System – BNWAS is a monitoring and Alarm system which notifies other navigational officers or master of the ship if the officer on watch (OOW) does not respond or he/she is incapable of performing the watch duties efficiently

Wednesday 18 December 2013

Saturday 14 December 2013

Why are Transformer and Alternator Ratings in kVA on Ships

Why are Transformer and Alternator Ratings in kVA on Ships << read more >>.

Important Points to Consider While Carrying out Alternator Maintenance of Ship’s Generator


Important Points to Consider While Carrying out Alternator Maintenance of Ship’s Generator. << read more>>

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Container Refrigeration Unit


Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Container Refrigeration Unit  

<< read more>>